BC Dairy System Diagram

Learning Objectives

  • Critically reflect on systemic and disciplinary ways knowing
  • Characterize and describe complex issues in land and food systems through systems models.
  • Collaborate effectively and professionally as members of a multicultural, interdisciplinary community of learners.
  • Apply basic critical thinking and communication skills


  • This is a collaborative group assignment consisting of a diagram of the B.C. Dairy System and a 1-2 page description of key interactions within the diagram. This assignment is based on material presented in lectures, the field trips to Donia and Nicomekl Farms, and course readings.

DIAGRAM Requirements

You should collaboratively design this diagram with your team using PowerPoint or https://www.draw.io/

To Set up and Submit a PowerPoint:

  • Go to Page Set Up in the “File” icon and select “Custom” in the “Slides sized for” box. Set your parameters to 48 inches wide x 36 inches high. Use the text box icon to create text boxes for the poster title, authorship, and various sections of text and diagrams within the diagram. You will create a single “slide” that is 48 x 36 with a number of text and diagram boxes within that particular slide. That file [Group_X_ Dairy_Diagram] should be posted in the Dairy System Diagram section of LFS 250 Canvas assignment site.
  • Submit Part 2 as a word document.

Report Parts

Part 1: Diagram

Part 1: BC Dairy System Model Development

Develop a model of the BC Dairy System that depicts the following:

1. The boundaries and nested system levels of the BC dairy system

2. The components of the BC dairy system (ex. production, processing, retail outlets, households, government…and any others you can identify)

  • For clarity, choose between 7-9

3. Inputs/Outputs + Interactions

  • Using arrows (and labelled with numbers, for Part 2), show the interactions and relationships between the components included in your model and the inputs and outputs that enter and leave the BC dairy system

Part 2: Description of Key Interactions

  • What are the goals of the BC Dairy System? Write out in point form, What, How, and Why?
  • Briefly describe 10 key interactions in your system diagram (in 2-3 sentences per interaction)
source: https://wiki.ubc.ca/Course:LFS250/Dairy_Report