Option 1) Vermi-composting

1-screen-shot-2014-10-24-at-10-13-01-am-300x239According to Metro Vancouver data, 44% of the materials that end up in our landfills are organic wastes. Composting is a key component to a sustainable food system and schools are ideal locations for experimenting with a variety of methods for turning our food scraps into a usable end product for growing food. One of the most desired soil conditioners on the market are worm castings, the result of having a specific species of worms, Red Wigglers, process organic waste into ‘black gold’. Vermicomposting is ideal for classrooms as these systems are inexpensive, easy to maintain, and can be set up inside, allowing for year round composting. Furthermore, worm composting can easily be used as a fun, hands-on teaching tool to help achieve a number of prescribed learning objectives.

*NOTE: LFS students will be creating an in-door worm bin for your classroom to keep

For more information on worm composting: